Random Fashion Coolness.

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Sunday, 9 September 2007

Plastiscines - Girl rock gets cooler.

I have debated whether or not to publish this post...I began writing this post yesterday and decided not to publish about a band that I wasn't musically aware of. I have spent the day listening to selected tracks, only to discover that the Sunday Times' Style section has featured a small article about them...but here's how my original post went (pre-Times!). The Plastiscines are a French Parisienne band whose fashion credentials are obvious from the first glance. Thankfully their music doesn't fail to deliver either. It is a joy to see a European girl rock group with their own, individual sense of style as opposed to some of the over-stylised pop clones that we have all become so accustomed to. See an exclusive performance for NYLON here and check out their MySpace and website.

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