I know that EVERYONE seems to be loving skinny jeans at the moment, and they can seem a little bit EMO - but my black skinny jeans by Cheap Monday have an amazing fit and best of all only cost £40! I love their website, such an artistic way to show off their product. Read all about their creator below - Orjann Anderrson - who has successfully bought together style, fit and affordability - no mean feat! Plus, what an amazing logo! Their jeans are available from Urban Outfitters in the U.K.

Check out www.BuyandSellusedJeans.com to get your next pair of skinny jeans :)
Thank you x
Can everyone please EMO out of this... I know you just metioned it but get over it... EMO is just a bullshit tag that u just seem to clump on some people skinny jeans have nothing to do with them... BTW people if you are fat or plump or wtv you wanna call it, DON'T even think of wering skinnies.
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